How To Substantially Upgrade Your Drinking Water For Under $300

If you've read some of our articles about municipal water quality, then no doubt you're interested in water filtration. Perhaps you're currently using a Brita or Santevia filter and would like a better system.. This article is for you. 

One of our best-selling products is called the C3. It's a 3 stage home water filter system.  This is not to be confused with "whole house" systems. You would just utilize the C3 filter system for your drinking water which is used with its own faucet. This prolongs the life of the filters which you change once a year. 

Here's what it looks like at your sink:

drinking water faucet - for under sink water filtration system
So you can see this is a secondary faucet just for drinking water. That way you continue to use your main faucet for washing dishes, etc and this makes the filters last a much longer time. 

For all the money you spend on replacement Brita cartridges, this will pay for a much better home water filter system that's much more convenient. 






 Here's what it looks like under your sink. 

C3 3 Stage Home Water Filter Under Sink
In this photo you can see the filters inside of the housing:
C3 Water filter housing
Here is an example of the reductions from the Chloramine-version of our C3 - 3 Stage Water Filter System:
chanson c3 filter system reduces harmful substances
So all you just need to order 2 things and you'll have everything you need.  The Faucet & the C3 - 3 Stage water system.  We sell a very nice and affordable drinking water faucet. 

There are 2 versions of the C3 - 3 Stage Home Filter System available. The first is our standard version for homes that do not have chloramines in the water.  The second option is for water with chloramines.  (Each kit comes with the Y-adapter to hook up under the sink and hoses, you'll have everything you need getting a C3 and faucet). 

Do you have fluoride in your water?  You will need one additional filter. Choose the first C3 option and then click here to view the inline fluoride filter, it should be hooked up before the C3, choose the 3/8" option.