Drinking Water Filters
If you're looking for a water filter or water filter system then you're on the right page. We have a wide selection of water filters for various issues like: Fluoride, Chlorine, Chloramides, Nitrate, hard water or soft water. We can ship to you anywhere across Canada or the United States
If you need help choosing the right type of water filter for your area, contact us via phone or email. It's important to be able to drink the highest quality water possible, after all our bodies are 70% water! When you drink water that has chlorine, fluoride or other chemicals in it, this lowers your immune system. Not only does your body need to use more energy to remove these toxins, they also kill off the friendly bacteria in your intestines.
Many people are drinking water from old pipes that contain toxic metals like lead. Lead and copper can leach from water pipes and soldered joints which deliver the water to our tap. This is a major issue in older homes. There are hundreds of locations across Canada that are consistently receive "boil water advisory" notices. Boiling water is not an ideal way to remove contaminants. Owning a powerful under-the-counter water filtration system is important for the long term. It's not expensive to implement and you should only need to replace the filters once per year.
Just because the tap water "won't kill you" isn't a good reason to drink it. It's been proven that tap water is slightly acidic and often contains hazardous chemicals/byproduct.
We can help you choose the right type of filter for your unique situation.
Call us toll-free 1-888-661-3461
There are hundreds of locations across Canada that are consistently receive "boil water advisory" notices. Boiling water is not an ideal way to remove contaminants. Owning a powerful under-the-counter water filtration system is important for the long term. It's not expensive to implement and you should only need to replace the filters once per year.

C3 3-Stage Home Water Filter System

Ceramic & Carbon Water Filter with Canister

Chanson C3 Pre-Filtration System - Chloramines

Inline Fluoride Filter

PF-207 Chanson Water Filter